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Student Organizations


What is SkillsUSA?


SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers, high school, and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce and serves more than 300,000 students and instructors annually. Students demonstrate their developing skills in regional, state-wide, and national competitions. Over one million dollars in scholarships are awarded to the winners of these events. SkillsUSA is a great way for students to meet new friends with similar interests and to gain exposure to national business leaders who partner with SkillsUSA.


Betsy Zelina

Betsy Zelina

Graphic Arts & Production Technology Instructor
Parkway West CTC
Christina Weber

Christina Weber

Cosmetology I Instructor
Parkway West CTC
Huck Hughes

Huck Hughes

Welding Technology II Instructor
Parkway West CTC

National Technical Honor Society

What is NTHS?


NTHS is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. Thousands of schools and colleges throughout the U.S. and its territories have a chapter of the honor society on their campus. 

NTHS strives to bring well deserved recognition, scholarship opportunities, and career opportunities to students who excel in one of the 108 career and technical educational fields as their profession. Not only do NTHS students embody all the attributes and talent which is in demand today, these students also embrace a clear vision for tomorrow’s workforce and their role in it. NTHS understands changes in industry within local communities and on a global scale.



Cynthia Hughes

Cynthia Hughes

Special Populations Coordinator
Parkway West CTC

What is Student Council?


  1. To initiate, implement, and complete projects and activities which will be of help to the school, the students, the faculty, the administration, the Board of Trustees and the community. 
  2. To develop and provide opportunities for leadership and service in the local school and in the community. 
  3. To encourage personal growth of leaders through participation in district, state and national meetings and organizations. 
  4. To provide a living workshop of democratic processes, through such activities as elections, participation in a constitutional representative assembly, etc. 
  5. To contribute to the educational experiences of students by providing them with a positive involvement in the school, with widened areas of responsibilities and with more direct participation in organizing and implementing activities. 
  6. To promote respect for law and order and general welfare of the school and community. 
  7. To promote an awareness of human relations, of power structures and how one effectively operates within them. These objectives are realistically approached through increasing avenues of cooperation among the administration, faculty and students.
  8. To provide a viable means for student expression and an increasing amount of self-direction. 
  9. To improve understanding between and within groups through interaction and communications. 
  10. To develop student potential and encourage to make a well-informed, honest, interested and active citizenship. 
  11. To develop not only leadership abilities within the youth of today, but also leadership for the community, state and nation of tomorrow. In this process, it is also the objective to develop an awareness of good leadership qualities, hopefully, for a more informed, concerned and active citizenry of tomorrow. 
  12. To increase student involvement and school pride.


  • By supporting and further developing democracy as a way of life 
  • By involving students in meaningful, purpose-oriented activities
  • By helping each student develop a sincere regard for law and order appropriate to this democratic society 
  • By leading each individual in developing a sense of personal responsibility and earned self respect 
  • By example through teaching the processes and procedures of a democracy 
  • By encouraging desirable attitudes and the continuous upward development of valued patterns of good citizenship 
  • By providing a forum for student opinions, interests and desires so these may be understood by the entire student body, faculty, administration and community 
  • By honestly reflecting and interpreting the student viewpoint


  • By contributing to the total educational growth of all students in the school 
  • By encouraging highest standards of scholarship and positive student involvement in learning and thinking 
  • By providing experience in genuine problem-solving procedures 
  • By providing training and experiences in the skills and techniques of good citizenship and leadership to prepare articulate citizens and leaders for a progressing society


  • By providing young people with the power and right to speak and, especially, the power, right and privilege of being heard by those in authority
  • By avoiding the commercial or cultural exploitation of students
  • By providing coordination of school-sponsored student activities with constant evaluation in terms of the selected purposes
  • By promoting opportunities for leadership among student body members
  • By utilizing the ideas and support of students in solving relevant school problems


  • By helping create harmonious relationships among faculty, administration, student body and the community
  • By providing organized services to the school in the interest of the general welfare
  • By communicating purposes, activities and the other positive elements of school life through mass media to the entire community
  • By helping young people further realize the genius and dignity of each individual


  • By sparking school loyalty, pride, patriotism and individual student development
  • By providing real experiences in group development and human understandings
  • By helping students earn and protect individual rights and responsibilities
  • By selecting projects and activities which seek to achieve purposes which are significant in the life of the school community
  • By giving young people deeper reasons for attending school and the stimulus for developing commitments to worthy goals
  • By helping each student reach maximum educational growth and development
Jared Estock

Jared Estock

School Counselor
Parkway West CTC